Monkeys Worth Mentioning – Vivid Roots

Monkey VA supports environmental non-profit organizations with our Monkeys Worth Mentioning program. This month we are recognizing Vivid Roots. Learn about their mission below!

Founded in 2014 by four best friends Trever Bostrom, Dylan Carlson, Dallas Crum, & Connor Kingsbury. Our ultimate mission is to inspire people to live vividly & create sustainable impact for people in need. We do this through taking group trips on 9-day Impact Adventure trips to Guatemala where we help build sustainable water systems and improve education. Our trips are a dynamic balance of culture, volunteer work, and adventure.

We originally started out as an apparel brand, promoting the live vividly lifestyle and donating proceeds to fund water projects in Guatemala and Ecuador. In 2017 we added impact adventure trips because we wanted to live our motto and share it with like-minded individuals from all around the world.

We fund water projects in villages where women & children are walking several kilometers, multiple times a day, just to get their basic human needs. The projects generally include water wells, filtration systems, and distribution systems for the whole community or holding tanks & plumbing for schools that don’t have access.

Our group trips are always a dynamic balance of culture, volunteer work, and adventure. We provide our guests the opportunity to work alongside the local community in creating sustainable impact. We then pursue a number of adventures throughout the jungle. Overall, we always leave the country with full hearts & new perspectives after living a week in someone else’s shoes.

To “live vividly” is our motto. It means to live your fullest life and help people in need. Do what you love and to love others.
We have 6 group trips lined up for 2017 and will have 10+ more in 2019, all to Guatemala. “Vivid Roots is a lifestyle brand on a mission to inspire people to live vividly and create a sustainable impact in the world.