3 Quick Tips for Creating a Facebook Event

If you run a business, chances are you are going to host an event to try and boost sales/conversions. And in this day and age that’s going to be on Facebook. Check out these three facebook event tips to ensure that you get more views and in turn more conversions.

It’s All About The Branding

Spend time developing a recognizable brand/style, as far as event photo and overlaid text (if there is any) and consistently post in a uniform way.

For example, choose whether the featured photo will always be a collage or will always be one large photo facing the front door, or always one large photo featuring a specific trait that hits on your business.

As far as text, if there is any, a specific color scheme might help a potential event-goer immediately notice the listing/event as hosted by you if they’ve seen a similar post before.

Make Details Stand Out

Directly link to any partners mentioned in the event descriptions.

Have a consistent format for the details, maybe adopt a “Who/What/When/Where/How” kind of a description.

Wherein important details like time and location are reiterated (it’s nice as an event attendee to have the reassurance that the host physically wrote out the time of the event and didn’t simply choose it from drop-down menu for the event page.

List a description of the house and a price if possible, also be sure any partner caterers/musicians/hosts are mentioned and linked to, and any fun/cute/unique details about the property/its location are included (this last place might be the best for use of exclamation points/bolded letters)

Keep bolded letters, exclamation points, etc. to particularly exciting or important information so as to not confuse the potential guest about what they ought to be paying the most attention to/getting the most excited about.

Give the most clear and direct information as possible; a prompt like “call me” should be followed immediately by “at (***)***-****”, or a descriptor like “This Friday” should be followed by the specific calendar date.

Promote With Other Events In Mind

If the event has a natural pairing with something else (like a May 5th event with Cinco de Mayo), name-drop the event while sharing/creating a post about the related thing. Maybe share a “Happy Cinco de Mayo” graphic or article and mention the hosted event as a fun way to kick off the holiday night (making sure to very specifically mention the date/time/etc)

Change the page’s cover photo to the Featured Photo for each event, so anyone visiting the page will see the event info multiple times and will understand its importance