Monkeys Worth Mentioning – Stream2Sea

Monkey VA supports environmental non-profit organizations with our Monkeys Worth Mentioning program. For our first feature, we are recognizing Stream2Sea. Learn about their mission below!

Earth is one awesome planet! Every inch is a work of wonder. At the heart of each member of the Stream2Sea team, there is an obsessive drive for discovery. Scuba diving, kayaking, swimming, hiking, camping, skiing…these are all part of our regular day-to-day living as a true necessity.

We just happen to be cosmetic chemists and environmentalists, too. So when we considered the ingredients commonly used in our skin care products and what their effects were not only to our bodies but on our planet too, we realized we could do better: we could create eco-conscious skin care products.

Testing on Fish and Coral

We tested our safe sunscreen products to ensure they will not be harmful to fish and other aquatic life when used as directed. We are adamantly opposed to animal testing when there are other alternatives. At this time, there are no cellular cultures or models that effectively assess aquatic toxicity to the extent that we feel is necessary. Therefore, our testing included the use of purposely bred live fish and EcoConsciously and scientifically obtained coral larvae.

The Truth about Coral reef safe

Fact: There are NO official, approved tests or certification for Reef-Safe or Ocean-Safe products. The term coral reef safe implies that it is safe for the entire reef, but how does one know this? You would have to test on things that are not currently testable, or at this point are cost prohibitive to test. We would not put a product on the market that doesn’t pass the most intense testing I can manage, while also meeting my standards for human safety as well.

Your body is incredible. It wanders, swims, climbs, runs, rows. Your skin feels, regulates body temperature and is your first line of immune defense. Protecting it from the elements is a vital part of being able to safely and happily explore this planet.

What you put ON your body has the potential to be absorbed INTO your body. It’s important to understand the effects of the ingredients in body care products, and make an educated decision based on the balance between healthy and safe.