10 Clever Spring Break Promotion Tips

The days of warmer weather are drawing closer, which can only mean one thing: Spring Break. Over 53 percent of people aged 18 to 34 travel within the United States, or to a different country, during Spring Break. So, now is the time to really focus on some new, trendy promotions for your business. Lucky for you we have the top ten trends in promotion for this upcoming spring.

1. Create a Branding Team

During Spring Break, what’s better outreach than a group of people repping your brand? Capture the attention of Spring Breakers with a catchy slogan or a brightly colored tee.

Your branding team can promote folks to visit your physical location or attend your event, and could hand out swag that allows people to remember your brand even after Spring Break is over. Creating a “souvenir” that people can take home will give you free marketing when they wear or show off their swag in their hometowns.

2. Create Spring Break Survivals

Promoting your product as something that people cannot live without during Spring Break creates more incentive for them to purchase your product. Your product could be scrunchies that trendy folks cannot go to Spring Break without or a bottle opener that doubles as a koozie. Whatever product you are selling, odds are you could market it into being an essential item.

3. Host a Giveaway

Depending on your budget, a giveaway can be anything as small as tanning lotion, to clothing, to a whole vacation. Hosting a giveaway helps your business create buzz, for free, on social media. Having people share, tag, or like your posts allows for your posts to reach a broader audience that you would not normally reach. 

Be sure to identify your goals prior to launching a giveaway — Are you seeking to grow your email list, or get more Facebook likes? — and strategize your outreach towards reaching that goal. No matter what, a giveaway is a great opportunity for quick growth!

4. Have a Spring Cleaning Sale

We all know what Spring Cleaning means: Time to move some inventory. Your spring cleaning could be a new product that you are trying to promote or an old product that you need off your shelves. Whatever sale makes the most sense for your current inventory, take advantage of the prepackaged Spring Cleaning theme and habit. 

Want to create a double whammy? Throw your Spring Cleaning in with Spring Break Survivals to offer a product, on sale, that people cannot live without this Spring Break.

5. Sponsor an Event

Doing a little research about local Spring Break gatherings happening in your area could allow you to throw in a sponsorship. Having people in your local community see that you are sponsoring an event can generate brand awareness and trust, setting you up for local success.  

How many times have you seen a logo for something when you are walking around and thought “yes, I do need some new sunglasses”. The power of just having your logo out and about during Spring Break can convert sales.

6. Host a Photo Contest

Who can post the best picture of themselves at Spring Break with your product? The buzz that can be generated towards your product through a photo contest can be pretty substantial, but again, it is pretty dependent on what incentive you offer. The difference between offering a $25 gift card and a cruise to the Bahamas will be substantial. No matter what, photo contests result in organic exposure for your brand.

7. Host an Event

If there are no local events going on in your area that you feel are appropriate to sponsor, then create your own! Not every event has to cater to thousands of people that will cost you thousands of dollars. You could create a more low-key event, like an ice cream social or music in the park, that allows you to cater to different audiences.

8. Be on Snapchat

Create a filter that highlights your business and make it available in areas specific to your business. That could be your physical location, a skate park, an outdoor mall, or even a public park. The goal, again, is to create brand exposure, encouraging your community to remember your name.

9. Be Active on Social

It might be tempting to focus on the big picture items during the spring, like a sale, giveaway, event or contest, but it is important to remain consistent on your social platforms. Take a break from promoting your upcoming event to highlight something else that is happening in your community or highlight an employee of yours.

10. Try Something New

Trying something new could be something as simple as trying a new font or color for Spring, or it could be a complete rebranding that your business has been needing. The potential is limitless! Try taking your own photos in your local area instead of using stock photos or focus on creating and promoting a new product. Whatever you have been wanting to try for your business, Spring Break is the perfect time to try it out.

Say hello to Spring Break today by implementing one, or all, of these Spring Break promotions. Unsure of where to start? Contact Monkey VA today and we can help brainstorm the perfect marketing strategy for your business to implement this spring.