7 Reasons to Hire a Virtual Assistant

1. You don’t even know where to begin… “I needed this all done last week!”

It’s been so long since you completed your to-do list, you can’t choose a starting point. You’ve got mugs of cold coffee and sticky notes splayed all over… clearly a reflection of your mental state.

Virtual Assistant (VA) can help absorb your overwhelm, take time to understand your pain points, and can help get you organized, prioritized, and back on-track!

2. You have an organizational mess that isn’t set up to be outsourced… “I can’t delegate it because I don’t even know my password!”

If you work on the computer for more than 20 minutes each day, it’s worth your time to get organized.

Reducing your digital clutter, keeping track of passwords, and unsubscribing from email lists are a just a few ways that a VA can actually help clean up your digital space for you!

3. Your company is at a stage where you need to remain flexible with your priorities. “You’re not an entrepreneur until you’ve started 3 podcasts…”

As an entrepreneur, you need to stay flexible and be prepared to “pivot”. Working with a virtual assistant preserves your flexibility. No long term contracts, strict project offerings or rigid marketing guidelines.

If you fall in love with vlogging… go buy a video camera!
If you hate posting on Twitter, drop it and focus on Facebook.
If your website development is slowing down a launch, simplify and refine it later!
A virtual assistant will adjust projects and expectations right alongside you.

4. You travel for work or work from a home office. “I wear pajama bottoms because no one can see them in the webcam…”

Increasingly more people are working remotely. Unfortunately, a home office set-up would place a secretary in the dining room… not ideal!

If you hire a virtual assistant, you can expect concise email communication and an on-call support system for whatever projects slow you down.

5. You have a “hodge podge” of quick projects… but no single project is enough to hire a specialized freelancer. “My graphic designer emailed my website developer asking what my marketing team is up to…”

Many small businesses and one-person operations bounce from one freelancer to the next. Each time a new team is brought into the projects and branding, the mission is altered.

A personal assistant is a great alternative to hiring 5 specialized freelancers. Enjoy a “one-stop shop” for all of your projects, only explain your mission once, and enjoy greater branding cohesion from project to project. The longer you work with the same VA, the more they will understand your expectations and preferences.

6. You work with sensitive information that cannot be accessible to an entire team of marketers or designers. “My social media manager accidentally messaged my Grandma on Facebook…”

If your digital workspace includes sensitive client information or personal documents, granting your passwords to a large marketing agency can be a bit nerve-wracking.

When you outsource to a Virtual Assistant, you will know exactly who is spending time in your personal and business accounts.

7. You can’t afford to pay an assistant a full-time rate, but need someone to act as an on-call resource. “Help me I’m droooowning”

Virtual assistant prices can be steep, but at Monkey VA, we ensure affordable prices for start-ups, small business owners, and entrepreneurs.

If this sounds like you, we recommend purchasing our Virtual Assistant Hourly Packages.

Have a small project but planning to accomplish a lot more this coming year? Any time left over in a package simply “rolls forward” to be used for future projects. Packages don’t expire as long as you keep us in the loop…

Click here to learn more!