Overview: Instagram based app to connect brands with social media creators to promote content.

From BrandSnob: BrandSnob is the leading influencer marketing platform using AI and machine learning to connect brands with more relevant Instagram influencers and creators.


Variety: Since different creators will be able to view the created campaign, people of varying skill can create content to promote a brand.

Reach: High percentage of the network is in USA, Europe, and Australia.

Free?: App states no subscription costs or booking fees, payment was taken out of creator earnings.

Pay in app: Once a brand accepts an influencers offer, the brand pays securely via the app and the funds are held in escrow. Brands release funds to the influencer after the successful completion of the job, protecting both parties and allowing time for dispute resolution if needed.

Resources: Offers articles and blog posts to further brand knowledge and develop best practices

Creators are Invite Only: The brand is very strict in their requirements for creators in an attempt to make sure brands are getting the very best.


Platform: Only available on Apple IOS for iPhone (6 or newer for best results) and iPad, version 9.0 or newer

Limited Network: If looking for “influencers” in different countries, options will be limited due to smaller networks.

$$$: It looks like creators can bid on campaigns, there may be a potential for unregulated bids.

Intellectual Property:

For ‘Social Reach’ campaigns (where the influencer is being paid to post to social media) the Influencer owns the content, as it’s been generated by them with the brand paying to be featured within the post. In this situation, a Brand can share an Influencer’s post within the social media platform it is posted to, but cannot use the content for any advertising outside of that without the Influencers express approval.

For ‘Content Creation’ campaigns the Influencer owns the content, but grants the brand an irrevocable license to use the content on the brand’s website, social media channels, print and any advertising channels specified by the brand in the campaign.

Reviews: Currently the app only has a 3.7/5 rating on iTunes, most of the complaints seem to be from creators attempting to join, but are unable to due to the strict rules.

“if there is any sign an influencer is buying followers, likes or comments, or artificially boosting their engagement through comment pods we don’t let the influencer on our platform.


I think that this app has the potential to be helpful and promote brands as an influencer as well as to market S2S through other influencers. It is essentially networking for influencer endorsements. My concern is the lack of available reviews by brands, so I couldn’t find any reviews/feedback on how that side of the app works.

Bottom Line: For the shot!