How To Stay Positive on Social Media

These past few weeks have shown us how social media can be a positive or negative factor in our lives. We always knew the power that social media has on us and how we view the world, but the recent Coronoavirus outbreak has brought it even further into the light. You might think social media has caused mass hysteria or that it has educated us in a positive way never seen before. 

Whatever your view, you might be wondering what you can do to add a ray of positivity to the world. One easy place to start? Your social media presence. It only takes a few minutes out of your day to spread positivity on your feed. Don’t want to post? No worries, you can make your personal social media feed a more positive experience for you as well. 

Set Intentions

Before unlocking your phone and jumping right on to Facebook, think about why you are getting online. Do you want to see the newest updates on COVID-19 or are you checking in on friends,  family and customers? Are you hopping online to spread positivity or negativity? What is your intention? It might seem silly, but try it. Next time you are about to get on your favorite social platform, set an intention. Guaranteed, you will have a different outlook on the information being presented. 


While it might seem rash or rude, if you don’t like what someone has to say, unfollow them. If they bring more negativity than positivity to your feed, unfollow them. You can always request to follow them again in the future. Or, maybe, you will realize that your feed is a little more positive without them and you will not want to follow them again in the future. Many social platforms also give the option of muting posts from individuals, so you can take a break from their content without breaking off a social relationship.

Post Positive Content

Do not post just for likes. Do not post to invoke negative emotions or angry responses. While you might be frustrated with what is going on in the world, guaranteed there is a way to positively voice your opinion or to sensitively share an offering or sale or otherwise connect. Avoid using harsh words like “stupid”, “ignorant”, or “hate” and instead try to find more positive words to present your opinion or updates. Whether you’re posting on your personal or business page, maintain a presence as a supportive, steady voice, or make sure that you’re honestly and fairly representing your own emotions and experiences. 

If you want to post something besides an opinion or offering, maybe look back on your photos. Finally, post that picture from your trip last year or share an update with your life. Did you get a promotion? Did you finally get around to cleaning out your closet? Anything that you think is worthy of sharing – that is encompassed by a positive message – is a great way to connect with your network in a positive way.

Practice Non-Judgement

If we have found anything out in the social media age, it is that it’s easy to judge someone behind the comfort of your screen. We have all done it, whether we are proud of it or not. In the coming weeks, practice non-judgment when on social media. If you do not agree with someone’s view on the current COVID-19 situation – that is okay. People are entitled to their opinions, but don’t let differences in opinions allow you to create negative energy. 

Maybe take that frustration out on not understanding a certain view by educating yourself more. Check out the CDC website and learn more about the current situation. There is no need to comment at someone telling them they are wrong. Accepting that they have their opinion and you have yours will allow you to leave your feed feeling more at peace. 

Limit Usage

There is such a thing as too much social media. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, anxious, or hopeless about what is going on in the world then take a break. Find something around you that makes you happy or helps relieves stress. Try a new hobby or take up meditating. Anything that will allow you to take a break from what is going on around you. 

Set a timer. 15 minutes of social media an hour or 30 minutes in the morning and at night. Whatever you can do to reduce the stress of what is going on around you. Find a news outlet you enjoy reading and read that instead of scrolling on your Facebook feed in the morning. You might have to try something you never have before and that is okay. Whatever you need to feel less anxious about what’s going on around you. 

Staying positive on social media might seem like a daunting task. What is going on in our world gives you every reason to have an opinion and share information you think is important – but remember that you can be the start of a positive wave. While you might influence others around you, the most positive influence you can have is on yourself. 

From all of us at Monkey VA, we hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourself during these uncertain times. We hope that together we can be the wave that creates a positive impact on social media.