Remote Work: Pros, Cons and What You Should Know

Chandler and I have both been working remotely for over 3 years and we still chat regularly about the dedication and routine required to get the work done and maintain work-life balance…

If you’re considering a remote working career, here are some considerations!

I can travel anytime…


More time to see the world and to have amazing, spontaneous experiences!

Just the other day, I went to an amusement park and took a work call a few minutes after getting off a roller coaster! It has taken time, but I’m able to compartmentalize the work in a way that allows me to travel frequently and have fun even on a work day!

When people are making plans ahead of time, you know you can make anything work. As long as you set yourself up to get the work done, you don’t have to reject very many plans because you “have to work.”

Using tools like a myfi can help make travel more accessible.


Timezones can be such a struggle in remote work! We have clients in various time zones, so when I travel I have to be extra extra careful to pay attention to time zones so I’m never missing client calls.

No matter where I go, I’m always a little nervous about finding a coffee shop with reliable wifi. I’ve learned to call ahead of time and simply ask, “Is your customer wifi strong?”

As important as finding wifi, you may need to find a quiet workspace if you’ll be taking client calls or team calls. More times than I like to admit, I’ve ended up awkwardly sitting in hotel hallways looking for a quiet space to work remotely.  Make sure to plan for those things ahead of time!

It’s easy to overschedule travel… even if travel is your number one priority, make sure to maintain a sense of routine and community in your day-to-day life, whatever that may look like for you!

My schedule is completely flexible…


I get to be around the house to lounge with loved ones, even if I’m simply working remotely, and it makes for a relaxed day-to-day schedule. This is especially appreciated when family/friends have their own crazy work schedules!

I can work during my most productive hours. If I’m not “feeling” a project, I simply take a break to work out or walk my dog and I can come back to it with a fresh brain.

There’s no commute to work unless I want to head to a coffee shop or co-working space like WeWork.

Not everyone works their best in a cold, stuffy office. Between office politics and time “at the water cooler”, many people will accomplish less in those spaces.

The ability to check email or handle various tasks at any time during remote work allows me to work on projects at a time most sensible for my brain/schedule.


In some ways, you end up needing to add more structure in remote work than in a normal 8-5 job. It’s important to schedule your day so the work actually gets done and doesn’t slowly eat away at your time.

I can’t tell you how many days I’ve spent watching TV while I work and hardly accomplishing a thing! Multi-tasking simply is not the most efficient work strategy.

It’s hard to leave work “at the office”, and depending on the type of person you are, you may experience more distraction at home than you would in an office.

For example, I often find myself leaving the computer to put in a load of laundry. 10 minutes later, I’m still folding laundry and cleaning my house… when there is not a manager looking over your shoulder, it’s much easier to procrastinate on your work!

There have been days I haven’t even spoken and have only emailed…


Days like that were spent in jammies- maybe even in bed!

If I get sick, it’s a-okay.  I can still do much of my work while I sip chicken noodle soup.

For some, remote work allows them to work as a team of 1, completely focused and happily introverted.


For many, this type of work can be quite lonely.

Online communication is hard. It allows for less organic collaboration, possible miscommunication or misunderstood tones, and generally, less human interaction. Again, this might be great for introverts but not always best for the team’s progress.

Working at home by myself, I feel less of a “team” dynamic than any other job I’ve held. There are ways to combat this, but it is an inevitable challenge of working remotely. Overall, it can be easy to lose your sense of purpose if you’re unable to share in a common goal.

Maintaining routines for optimal health and balance during remote work can help you stay motivated and disciplined, avoiding burnout!

Chandler and I always share our remote working adventures- simply follow us on Instagram!

Want help figuring out your own schedule? We can help! When your team is 100% on-board with the company mission, work goes from being “outsourced” to simply being an extension of your work family tree. Consider us monkey cousins on your outreach branch.

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