Wild Hearts Idaho


The perfect website for a given organization is one that is intuitive for its specific audience, and one that is easly maintained by its staff. A site can be beautiful and state-of-the-art, but fail to live up to one or both of those standards.

Wild Hearts Idaho came to us concerned that their site wasn’t sufficiently user-friendly. We researched their target audiences—participants, their parents, and the local community—and came up with a refined sitemap and graphics that would connect with those audiences. We refreshed the copy and other details, too, resulting in simplified website that was restructured with the deepest intention.

Ensuring that users could glean and act upon the most information with the fewest steps, and that website editors—primarily volunteer staff without development expertise—could keep the site up-to-date with the most straightforward actions was our priority. The “Adventures” page was designed to provide clarity and ease of registration for the target audience, and was set up within Squarespace to provide volunteers with the fewest possible upkeep tasks. We created custom icons to keep their easy-to-read nonprofit statistics organized and fresh regardless of how often they can be updated.


Many nonprofit organizations have high year-to-year turnover in volunteer staffing and can’t often guarantee that new volunteers will have the same expertise or experience as previous volunteers. This can create chaos and challenges to branding cohesion.

In a digital space, it is essential that organizaitons with many hands in the work have guidelines and resources that keep everyone on the same page. To ensure that promotional materials, website updates, and social media marketing remain cohesive as they are worked on by high school volunteers, local groups, and volunteer staff throughout the year, we created a comprehensive brand guide outlining color, font, and other branding elements for Wild Hearts Idaho. The guide is easily available for reference by all volunteers.

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